Quality Creates

ETQ Reliance Customer Conference

October 8 – 10, 2024

We are excited to host you, our customer, for the 2024 ETQ Reliance Customer Conference in Dallas, Texas. Our agenda revolves around the theme Quality Creates, and the ripple effect it has on quality throughout your organization, your customers, your community and your industry.

The conference kicks off October 8 with a full day of optional training, followed by two days (October 9 and 10) that focus on industry content, the product roadmap, new offerings, customer panel sessions, and of course networking with fellow customers and ETQ staff, fun nighttime activities, and more.

We are pleased to offer you special pricing for this year’s conference, which includes additional discounts for Gold and Platinum customers. Plus, we are offering early bird discounts for conference attendees that register prior to September 1st.

Conference Pricing prior to September 15th
Platinum Customers: $639
Gold Customers: $719
Silver Customers: $799

ETQ Reliance Training (optional):
All Customers: $899

Conference Location
Hilton Anatole
2201 N Stemmons Fwy
Dallas, TX 75207
Book your hotel room here

Please note the special, negotiated ETQ rate expires on September 15th.

ETQ Reliance Customer Conference Agenda

Tuesday, October 8 – Training

9:00am – 4:30 pm CT

ETQ Designer Advanced

Delve deeper into configurations that can improve processes in ETQ Reliance. This will involve exploring both underutilized settings in Designer and settings that can be optimized with a basic understanding of ETQScript.
• Intermediate Knowledge of ETQ Reliance.
• Completion of Intermediate Designer Certification Training in Academy.
• Basic understanding of ETQScript.

ETQ Designer Fundamentals

Showcasing what can be achieved in ETQ Designer without the need for deep technical skill. Leveraging configuration capabilities to create and modify forms, workflows, and user views. Using features such as Visibility Rules and Expression Builder for code-free automation.
• Basic Knowledge of ETQ Reliance.
• Completion of Basic Designer Certification in Academy.

ETQScript Advanced

The ultimate test of ETQScript knowledge. We’ll cover advanced ETQScript topics such as Task and ETQScript Profiles, leveraging Data Access Objects (DAO) in script, and advanced view configuration. Additionally learn more about best practices to ensure advanced scripts don’t negatively impact system performance.
• Deep experience configuring application in ETQ Reliance.
• Intermediate to advanced experience with coding/scripting.
• Completion of Advanced Designer Certification in Academy.

Evening Reception

6:00-9:00 pm CT, Event Lawn at the Hilton Anatole
Quality Creates…Connections! Kick off the conference with heavy appetizers and drinks. Join your peers and ETQ staff on the event lawn at the Hilton Anatole for an evening of fun.

Wednesday, October 9


October 9, 2024
8:00 AM-9:00 AM CT


Quality Creates Business Value: How to Make the C-Suite Pay Attention to Quality

October 9, 2024
9:00 AM-9:45 AM CT
CEO Vick Vaishnavi will discuss the role of integrated , data-driven quality and the business value that “Quality Creates.”


Quality Creates: The Future of Integrated Data-Driven Quality

October 9, 2024
9:45 AM-10:30 AM CT
ETQ’s Chief Technology Officer and Chief Product Officer will share what’s new in the ETQ Reliance QMS platform and provide details on the product roadmap.


Morning Break

October 9, 2024
10:30 AM-11:00 AM CT


Embedded Quality: Delivering Competitive Advantage, Closing the Manufacturing Skills Gap and Improving Enterprise Decision-Making

October 9, 2024
11:00 AM-12:00 PM CT

Today, manufacturers face significant challenges: a skills-gap created by a serious drop in experience and tenure levels across sectors, an over-focus on quality as a compliance-only task and lack of alignment or partnership with the complete enterprise value chain.

LNS Research’s latest reporting on “Embedded Quality” shows that 31% of companies surveyed consider delivered quality to be their primary competitive advantage. In this address, James Wells, Research Director and Senior Analyst, LNS Research, will review the firm’s latest research and outline how partnerships and linkages across the manufacturing valuation that embeds quality through the process serves and a tremendous foundation for creating competitive advantage.


Connected Quality: Hexagon and Our Customers

October 9, 2024
1:00 PM-2:00 PM CT
Hear from Josh Weiss, President, Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence on the company’s commitment to connected quality to drive end-product excellence. He will highlight key successes from our customers while also sharing what’s ahead for Hexagon.


So, You Have a Bunch of Quality Data. Now What?

October 9, 2024
2:00 PM-3:00 PM CT
It’s all about the data. At the end of the day, how you manage quality, how you make decisions and how you measure results all come from the data that is in ETQ Reliance as well as other systems. In this session, we will look at the some of the newest reporting, analytics and AI/ML capabilities, including enhancements to the Quality Data Lake (QDL), Predictive Quality Analytics (PQA) and Closed Loop Quality.


Afternoon Break

October 9, 2024
3:00 PM-3:30 PM CT


Tips and Tricks: Getting the Most Out of Your EQMS System

October 9, 2024
3:30 PM-4:30 PM CT
We all have our favorite short cut or hack when using ETQ Reliance. Tips & Tricks has been a highly anticipated session at every conference. This year, we will include ETQ’s shortcuts as well as fresh ideas and approaches that customers have shared with us recently.


Innovation Excellence Awards

October 9, 2024
4:30 PM-5:15 PM CT
For more than 20 years, ETQ has proudly bestowed the “Innovation Excellence Award” to customers who show innovative and novel ways to leverage ETQ Reliance in the pursuit of optimal quality. This year – you, our customers – will have a voice in determining who wins! Hear from your peers and analyze their entries, and vote for the innovative quality idea you think is most deserving to win this year’s award!


Evening Celebration at Sandy Pickle

October 9, 2024
6:30 PM-10:00 PM CT
Quality Creates…Competition! Join us at Sandy Pickle for an evening packed with excitement and fun. Fuel up with tasty finger foods and drinks – then it’s game on. Square up with your fellow customers or your favorite ETQers on the pickleball and beach volleyball courts, show off your golf swing in the virtual golf simulators, or relax on the patio. Comfortable clothes recommended. We’ll take care of transportation to and from Sandy Pickle.


Thursday, October 10

The ROI for Future Quality Investments

October 10, 2024
8:00 AM-9:00 AM CT
How can you justify the funding for an EQMS while other parts of your organization are also competing for those same funds? It’s easy when talking in business terms. We’ll provide you with guidance on how to create a strategy to effectively communicate the value of quality initiatives to key stakeholders and present a compelling business case that highlights the ROI for ongoing EQMS investments.


Morning Break

October 10, 2024
10:00 AM-10:30 AM CT


Maximize the Potential for Your Quality Program by Integrating Key Enteprise Systems

October 10, 2024
10:30 AM-11:30 AM CT
Quality organization can be plagued with multiple copies of similar data, inconsistent and missing data – all which delays the ability to effectively respond to quality incidents . Siloed systems are the enemy of great quality and an impediment to creating an agile, data-driven manufacturing ecosystem. Learn where customers are driving the most value from integrating a variety of enterprise systems, including ERPs, PLMs, MES’, CRMs and others.


Your Future Awaits. Moving to ETQ Reliance NXG – Why Now?

October 10, 2024
10:30 AM-11:30 AM CT
Join this interactive session and learn how you can achieve optimal quality management operations across your organization with ETQ Reliance. Start today with a sustainable and proven migration process that saves time and cost. And, drive quality utilizing your EQMS as a single source of truth.


Beating the Employment Crisis and Fueling Your Quality Program with Shop Floor to Top Floor Connected Worker Technology

October 10, 2024
11:30 AM-12:30 PM CT
Growing workforce shortages and turnover add to the pressures of controlling costs, mitigating business risks, and meeting production and quality goals. Staying quality-focused and using technology to empower quality and frontline teams can provide answers and a path to manufacturing excellence. Join this session to learn more about the integrated ETQ Reliance Connected Worker solution.


Ensuring Quality and Compliance in a Changing Landscape

October 10, 2024
11:30 AM-12:30 PM CT
According to the the Office of the Federal Register, there are 8 new federal regulations issued every day. With constant change, how do you keep up with the federal, industry and customer requirements? Start by automating and scaling your quality processes to handle the demands of compliance, mitigate risk and manage audits. Join this session to learn how to leverage ETQ Reliance to quickly adapt to change and harmonize quality processes, data and outcomes so that your organization reduces the risk of non-compliance.



October 10, 2024
12:30 PM-1:30 PM CT


Quality Cost$ – Poor Quality Costs More

October 10, 2024
1:30 PM-2:30 PM CT
20% of every dollar spent can be wasted due to inefficiencies. “Shift left” with your quality program and build quality management into the entire product lifecycle to eliminate scrap, rework and waste during the production process. Set global quality standards and deliver better quality products to your customers today.


Safety Problems are Quality Problems: A Customer Panel

October 10, 2024
1:30 PM-2:30 PM CT

Employee safety is mission critical to most companies. Safety incidents are quality incidents and can also be a source of critical business disruption. Learn how to build a safety culture that protects people and processes equally.


Bring Suppliers Into Your Quality Processes

October 10, 2024
2:30 PM-3:30 PM CT
According to research, 69% of companies do not have total visibility into their supply chain. Remove blinders and proactively mitigate supplier risk to achieve visibility into the financial impact supplier quality has on your bottom line.


Inspect What You Expect

October 10, 2024
2:30 PM-3:30 PM CT
As the saying goes, what gets measured gets managed. Join this session to learn more about the new Inspection Management application and how it can help you identify, track and resolve issues sooner throughout manufacturing. This new capability offers data and process frameworks to reduce the cost of quality and drive continuous improvement.


Afternoon Break

October 10, 2024
3:30 PM-4:00 PM CT


Quality Journey Panel

October 10, 2024
4:00 PM-5:00 PM CT
A PwC report showed that 7.5% of paper documents get completely lost and another 3% get misfiled. Stop losing the paper files (and your sanity). Learn how your peers leveraged their EQMS as a centralized platform to manage and communicate information for resolving systemic or recurring issues throughout the organization – and saved a few trees during the process.


For more information reach out to our registration team